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Saturday, July 24, 2004

On Ron Wyden's spending

As I wrote in a comment on DailyKos, Senator Ron Wyden in generally willing to spend a lot in his campaigns, even when facing sparse competition. Here are the numbers from Political Money Line:

In 1998, Ron spent 87% of his funds ($2,865,378 of the $3,298,468 he raised) against a very week candidate in John Lim (who spent a mere $413,187). In 1994, the last year he ran for his extremely Democratic House district, he spent 75% of his funds ($437,586 of the $585,256 he raised). The numbers for his other reelection campaigns are 153% in 1992 (he had cash on hand left over from previous cycles), 98% in 1990, 48% in 1988, 90% in 1986, 90% in 1984, and 65% in 1982.

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