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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

AP: High court removes Nader from ballot runs the whole Charles Beggs AP story on Ralph Nader's disqualification from the Oregon ballot.

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that Ralph Nader will not appear on the Oregon presidential ballot, reversing a lower court.

The high court unanimously upheld a ruling by Secretary of State Bill Bradbury, who determined that errors on petition sheets left the independent presidential candidate 218 signatures short of the 15,306 needed to put him on the Nov. 2 ballot.


Nader said the decision would be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Oregon voters will have five choices for president if Nader remains off the ballot.

Besides Kerry and President Bush, candidates qualifying earlier were David Cobb, Pacific Green Party; Michael Anthony Peroutka, Constitution Party, and Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party.
Oregon is now basically a shoo-in for Kerry.

Now to the man at the center of this story.

If there is one Oregon politician with whom I feel a real connection it is Bill Bradbury. When I volunteered in my first campaign at the age of 16 (the Oregon coordinated campaign for Al Gore), Bradbury was running for Secretary of State and I got a number of opportunities to speak with him.

After he was elected for his first full term, the Republicans attempted a Texas-sized gerrymandering to steal as many seats in the state legislature and the US Congress as possible. Then-Governor John Kitzhaber vetoed each plan so the courts left it up to Bradbury to redraw the districts, and he was very favorable to the Democrats (though much more reasonable than the Republicans. As a result of his work, Oregon sends four Democrats and one Republican to the House, and the Democrats have a chance to retake the Oregon legislature for the first time in nearly a decade.

At Ron Wyden's biennial campaign bash last summer at the Rose Garden, I got to speak with Bradbury again, this time on a wider number of issues such as his 2002 run for Senate against Gordon Smith and all of the great work he does for the state. This summer, I got to speak with him again at David Wu's annual event (I even passed on the link Basie! to him).

Bill Bradbury is a truly classy guy and one of the nicest men you'll ever meet. All Oregonians are lucky to have him as Secretary of State, and I feel honored just to have had the time to speak with him so many times.

(note--this originally appeared in this post when Nader was first disqualified for the Oregon ballot at the beginning of the month)

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