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Monday, September 27, 2004
USA Today ed board on legacy of Contract with America
But a decade later, the fervor of the 1994 “Republican Revolution” has been tempered by a resolve to keep control of the House. GOP leaders are choosing pragmatism over populist zeal on many issues, and are treating the minority as unfairly as they were treated for decades under Democratic rule.Link.
What's more, several Republican leaders, most recently House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, have become snared in ethics scandals similar to those that led to the Democrats' downfall. The record is a reminder that the temptation by the majority party to abuse its status is a bipartisan failing.
Certainly, House Republicans have been true to their word in adopting two-thirds of the 75 policy changes itemized in their contract — from cutting taxes to getting tougher on crime. Yet many of their promised reforms have been watered down. And some of the biggest pledges remain unfulfilled.
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