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Thursday, September 30, 2004
From this weeks issue of the Economist, which you can buy at local news stands:
So that's where Rummy's beenLink. (Subscription reqd.)
A new “Porn for Kerry DVD” will portray the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and Jenna Bush. Profits from the epic (“part political satire and part hardcore hot sex”) will go to help the Kerry campaign.
New York Post, September 29th
Klingons for Kerry
“A good war is based on honour, not deception. The first warrior, President Bush, deceived us all with this war.”
K'tok, ie, Clyde Lewis, an Oregonian Klingon. An in-depth poll of eight warrior-race members purchasing “Trekkies 2” revealed that 75% support Mr Kerry and 25% plan to vote for Satan. Willamette Week Online, September 22nd
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