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Friday, October 29, 2004

Oregon expecting 84% turnout

With ballots pouring into election offices around the state at a faster clip than four years ago, Secretary of State Bill Bradbury predicted Thursday that Oregon voter turnout for Tuesday's general election will reach 84 percent.

If so, it would be the highest percentage in 10 years, but not a record. The 1960 presidential contest between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon holds that distinction with 86.5 percent. However, with an 84 percent turnout, the number of votes cast would be the highest ever.

Bradbury made his prediction as workers in Multnomah and Clackamas counties joined other counties in opening ballots to prepare them for counting under the close watch of party observers.
James Mayer, "Counties are bulging with ballots", The Oregonian, October 29, 2004.

I'm not sure if the 84% number is of elligible voters (I'm assuming it is) or the voting-age population, but either way, 84% is ridiculously high. Kudos Oregonians!

[Editors note 7:36 PM, October 30]: I now realize the 84% is of registered voters, not elligible voters. Sorry for the confusion.

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