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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Pennsylvania looking more and more blue

This AP story is for all of those naysayers who would believe GWB will take the Keystone state:

The Democratic Party has registered 108,000 more new voters than the Republican Party since the April primary in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, according to figures released Tuesday.

The latest round of registrations, which closed Oct. 4, left Democrats with nearly 4 million people on the voting rolls, a 7 percent increase. GOP ranks increased by 4 percent to nearly 3.4 million.

The number of registered voters in Pennsylvania stands at a record 8.2 million, a 6 percent increase since April.

Of 437,896 new registrants, 247,207 are Democrats and 138,864 are Republicans, according to unofficial totals from all 67 counties.

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