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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dan Rather stepping down

Although we knew he would give up CBS Evening News given his advanced age and the retirements of Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw, but it is a surpise that Dan Rather is quitting so soon. The AP's David Bauder has the scoop:

Dan Rather, embattled anchor of the "CBS Evening News," announced Tuesday that he will step down in March, on the 24th anniversary of taking over the job from Walter Cronkite.

The veteran anchor has been under fire in recent months for his role in a "60 Minutes Wednesday" story that questioned President Bush's service in the National Guard, which turned out to based on allegedly forged documents.

Rather, 73, said he will continue to work for CBS, as a correspondent for both editions of "60 Minutes."


CBS did not mention a potential successor.
I don't watch network news, but for those who do, I'm sure this will be a shock.

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