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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Arkansas's ban on gay foster parents is nixed
It's good to see things start moving in the other direction in this battle to ensure the rights of homosexuals in this country. Reuters has the story:
An Arkansas circuit judge on Wednesday threw out the state's ban against foster parenthood by gay couples or by households that include a gay adult.The gay marriage issue -- and issues surrounding gay rights -- did not play nearly as large of a role in helping George W. Bush barely win this election as some might have you believe. In time, these issues will decline in importance to the religious right (or at least to enough of the electorate) to the point that they can be de-politicized, allowing homosexuals the rights they deserve as Americans. This ruling is one step in that direction.
The judge, Tim Fox of Little Rock, side-stepped the issue of whether the ban unconstitutionally discriminated against gay couples. Instead he ruled that the state administrative board, which imposed the ban, was not authorized to do so.
"That's good enough. We'll take it," said Rita Sklar, director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Arkansas, which challenged the ban.
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