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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Bush, GOP gut Pell Grants
The New York Times's Greg Winters reports on this disturbing development.
Bush may think of himself as the "education President," but in reality this term is as true as calling him the "environment President," the "civil rights President" or the "multilateralist President."
College students in virtually every state will be required to shoulder more of the cost of their education under new federal rules that govern most of the nation's financial aid.John Kerry tried to hammer President Bush for his moves to cut Pell Grants during the campaign season, but big media declined to truly look into the charges. The attacks were of course true, and Bush and the Republicans have indeed curtailed spending for the program, greatly reducing the amount of money available for the poor to be able to go to college.
Because of the changes, which take effect next fall and are expected to save the government $300 million in the 2005-6 academic year, at least 1.3 million students will receive smaller Pell Grants, the nation's primary scholarship for those of low income, according to two analyses of the new rules.
In addition, 89,000 students or so who would otherwise be getting some Pell Grant money will get none, the analyses found.
Bush may think of himself as the "education President," but in reality this term is as true as calling him the "environment President," the "civil rights President" or the "multilateralist President."
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