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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
What makes a decade?
Kevin Drum takes a gander at America's 20th Century:
- 20s: 1919-1929 (League of Nations vote to stock market crash)
- 30s: 1929-1941 (Great Depression)
- 40s: 1941-1946 (WWII)
- 50s: 1946-1963 (Churchill "Iron Curtain" speech to JFK assassination)
- 60s: 1964-1973 (Civil Rights Act to end of Vietnam War)
- 70s: 1973-1980 (1st oil shock/Watergate to 2nd oil shock/Iran hostage crisis)
- 80s: 1981-1989 (Reagan election to fall of Berlin Wall)
- 90s: 1990-2001 (Berlin Wall to 9/11)
- 00s: 2001-
- 1946-1954: Partisan balance (control of Congress changed in 1946, 1948, 1952 and 1954)
- 1955-1963: The emergence of a permanent Democratic majority
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