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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Ed. Secy. in line with James Dobson

It was almost comical when James Dobson came out last week in opposition to SpongeBob Square pants for alleged homosexuality (it's a cartoon), earning him the name "SpongeDob Stickypants," but it's outrageous when the nation's Education Secretary engages in similar activity. The AP reports on this first act by Margaret Spellings, the new Ed. Secy.

Education Secretary Margaret Spellings denounced PBS on Tuesday for spending public money on a cartoon with lesbian characters, saying many parents would not want children exposed to such lifestyles.

The episode of "Postcards From Buster," which has not yet run, shows the title character, a bunny named Buster, on a trip to Vermont, a state that recognizes same-sex civil unions. The episode features two lesbian couples, although the focus is on farm life and maple sugaring.
There is really something wrong with these people.

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