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Thursday, January 27, 2005
WaPo: GOP skeptical of Bush plans
The array of GOP voices speaking out against some of George W. Bush's plans have been well documented around the blogoshpere, from comments by moderate Republicans like Arlen Spector and Rob Simmons to conservatives like Bill Thomas. Now The Washington post runs a front page article by Mike Allen detailing the division in the President's party.
When President Bush flies to this mountain resort Friday to meet congressional Republicans, he will encounter a party far less malleable and willing to follow his lead than it has been for the past four years.Check out this entire must-read piece. It delves into all of the important issues surrounding Bush's difficulties in his second term and is well-written.
Bush is accustomed to getting his way with Congress and finished his first term without suffering a major defeat. But mid-level and rank-and-file Republicans have begun to assert themselves on issues including intelligence reform, immigration and a major restructuring of Social Security, the centerpiece of his second-term agenda.
Such independence was much rarer when the party's prospects for keeping control of Congress were tied to Bush's political health, and his reelection was everyone's priority. But now that Bush has run his last campaign, he is being bolder in calling for legislative action than many lawmakers who must run every two years are willing to be.
That leaves the success of his second-term agenda very much in doubt.
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