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Monday, February 28, 2005

Dems Hit Hard on Social Security

The Democrats might have the momentum on Social Security right now, but without continuing the fight, they will surely lose their momentum. As CQ Today's Midday Update (free email service) reports, the Dems are doing just that: fighting.

A liberal interest group began running television ads Monday criticizing Rep. Jim McCrery of Louisiana, House Republicans' self-described "point man" on a Social Security overhaul, while House Democrats released a report that they said documents the use of the Social Security Administration to promote President Bush's proposal for the program. A group of Senate Democrats, meanwhile, planned a news conference tomorrow to "share the community reaction" to the proposal voiced over the recess.

The moves indicate that Democrats and their allies plan to keep up a steady pressure on Republicans, who are returning to the Capitol from a recess during which they heard much criticism of Bush's plan from their constituents and little support. The president, meanwhile, plans to return to the road Friday to sell his proposal for personal investment accounts created through a diversion of payroll taxes.
It has been a tough four years for Democrats, but blocking Social Security privatization could be the key to their resurgence.

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