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Monday, February 28, 2005
GOP Rep. to Challenge Bush on Stem Cells
Cultural conservatives may have believed they won the battle over Stem Cell research on November 2, 2004 with the victory of their champion George W. Bush, but at least Republican Congressman is poised to continue the fight. Amy Fagan of The Washington Times (which I am loath to cite) has the scoop:
A Republican congressman will try to repeal President Bush's policy on embryonic stem-cell research when the House Energy and Commerce committee considers a bill to reauthorize the National Institutes of Health budget.The Democrats can't fight the President on Stem Cell research alone and stand any chance of winning; they simply do not have the requisite votes. With the help of Republicans like Bass, though, there is a chance -- however small -- that real change can occur.
Rep. Charles Bass, New Hampshire Republican, will offer a proposal to repeal the policy Mr. Bush outlined in an August 2001 speech.
Supporters of the bill say embryonic stem-cell research holds the key to breakthrough cures and that the government should invest as much as possible in it. Their effort to roll back Mr. Bush's policy appears to have momentum, but conservative forces are gearing up to fight it.
"We will be up on the Hill stopping Mr. Bass' bill," said Connie Mackey, vice president for governmental relations at the Family Research Council. "We are preparing what we can to stop him in that effort."
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