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Friday, February 25, 2005
New Poll Looks Bad for Bush
It's tough to come home from Europe to face poor approval ratings, but that's something President Bush will have to do. The AP has the story:
A majority of Americans now say they believe U.S. troops will have to stay in Iraq for at least two more years, compared with 44 percent of people who felt that way last summer, a poll released Thursday finds.Ouch. 46 percent approval. That's rough.
The Jan. 30 elections in Iraq appear to have improved perceptions in the United States about the possibility of a stable Iraq, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. But that has not convinced the public that U.S. troops are coming home any sooner.
The poll found that 54 percent of those surveyed think U.S. troops will have to stay in Iraq for two more years, while 22 percent put the time at longer than five years.
The poll found that President Bush’s overall approval rate was 46 percent, compared with 50 percent in January. Bush’s approval rate on Iraq was 40 percent, compared with 45 percent in January.
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