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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

DeLay Demise Nearing?

Howie Fineman, a veritable bellweather of national sentiment, seems to believe so.

A new drama of survival has begun here – political, not physical; legal, not spiritual. The central character isn’t a woman in a hospital bed but a controversial Republican leader in the House of Representatives. Rep. Tom DeLay may not want to admit it to himself, but he’s fighting for his political life.

I wouldn’t have said so two weeks ago. But I’ve seen enough of these dramas unfold to know when I’m watching a new one, and now I am. You know the story line, which dates back to the Greeks: a powerful, hubristic leader is brought low by his own flaws. Think Jim Wright, Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton.

A key but cautious leader of the Republican leadership put it to me this way in private recently: “Members want us spend our time protecting them. They don’t like having to spend their time protecting us.” Meaning: their idea of fun and productive use of time in the capital is not “DeFending DeLay.”
Christy Hoppe adds fuel to the fire with a story in today's issue of The Dallas Morning News detailing the most recent developments in the investigation of DeLay's political action committee, TRMPAC. Kos writes of the case,

Once this grand jury finishes its business, Earle is expected to convene the fourth grand jury on the matter targetting DeLay specifically. Rumors are already flying that those already indicted are singing in exchange for more lenient sentences. No one wants to rot in jail for DeLay's sake.
Sounds like things are beginning to move quickly in this matter.

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