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Monday, March 28, 2005

The Wall Street Journal Hammers DeLay

Who would have ever thought that the extreme right wingers over at the opinion page of The Wall Street Journal would ever be willing to disparage one of their own. Today it happened, though.

Taken separately, and on present evidence, none of the latest charges directly touch Mr. DeLay; at worst, they paint a picture of a man who makes enemies by playing political hardball and loses admirers by resorting to politics-as-usual.

The problem, rather, is that Mr. DeLay, who rode to power in 1994 on a wave of revulsion at the everyday ways of big government, has become the living exemplar of some of its worst habits. Mr. DeLay's ties to Mr. Abramoff might be innocent, in a strictly legal sense, but it strains credulity to believe that Mr. DeLay found nothing strange with being included in Mr. Abramoff's lavish junkets.
While I do not agree with their characterization of the situation -- they make it seem like DeLay has done no actual, they are correct to assert that DeLay epitomizes what's wrong with government. Perhaps some on the far right will begin to examine their fanatical defense of DeLay and begin to think hard about kicking him out of Congress and back into the bug business, where he belongs.

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