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Monday, April 25, 2005

Democrats Lay Out Their Strategy

It seems Harry Reid has figured out a way to challenge the Republicans on the nuclear option without being labeled "obstructionist." CQ Today's Midday Update (free email service) has the story:

Senate Democrats today unveiled a new strategy for action if Republicans successfully execute the so-called nuclear option to end filibusters against judicial nominees.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has said for months that his party may employ little-used and often-waived Senate rules to virtually shut down floor business if Republicans force an end to filibusters of judges.

But today Reid outlined a different approach, saying he will use a variety of approaches to force floor votes on Democratic legislative priorities. That could trigger roll call votes Republicans might prefer to avoid.

Bills on the Democrats’ list include a veterans’ benefit increase (S 845), a pay-as-you go budget bill (S 851), a minimum wage increase (S 846), education funding increase (S 848); suspension of crude oil deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (S 847) and a family planning funding bill (S 844).
It might be safe to say that the reason Reid has backed off his threats to shut down the Senate stems from the fact that he simply does not have the votes to follow through with it.

I argued a month ago that the Democrats would not suffer the same fate as Newt because the entire government would not be shut down, only the Senate (a sentiment echoed by Josh Marshall this week), so I would still like to see the Democrats go ahead and stop the Republicans from forwarding their radical agenda in response to their nuclear option. Nevertheless, this new tactic from Reid should work for the Democrats as well, and it will be very difficult for the Republicans to label the Dems obstructionists if they are no longer slowing the Senate.

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