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Friday, May 27, 2005
Americans Like Hillary
Hillary Clinton has never been particularly loved by the American people. Her overreach on healthcare in 1993-94 helped the Democrats lose control of Congress, and the ultra-right's hatred of her husband has led to a revulsion, among some, of her. Just the same, Hillary is becoming more and more popular, reports Susan Page of USA Today.
For the first time, a majority of Americans say they are likely to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton if she runs for president in 2008, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.These number are highly surprising; I would never have thought Hillary capable of garnering the support of a majority of Americans. And though this does little to diminish my apprehensions about her possible candidacy, it is nevertheless enlightening to see that someone can actually rehabilitate her political image in this day in age.
The survey shows that the New York senator and former first lady has broadened her support nationwide over the past two years, though she still provokes powerful feelings from those who oppose her.
Clinton commands as much strong support — but more strong opposition — as George W. Bush did in a Newsweek poll in November 1998, two years before the 2000 election. She is in slightly stronger position than then-vice president Al Gore, the eventual 2000 Democratic nominee, was in 1998.
Her strong support has risen by 8 percentage points, and her strong opposition has dropped by 5 points since the same question was asked in June 2003.
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