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Monday, May 23, 2005
Bush, GOP Approval Still Sinking
So much for the theory that the Republicans received a mandate to privatize Social Security and further consolidate power at the detriment to America's two-party system. As USA Today's Susan Page reports, as the GOP continues this course of action, more and more Americans are becoming alienated. Page ledes,
George W. Bush and the Republican Congress have a choice to make at this juncture. Clearly, their policies -- from Terri Schiavo and threatening judges to privatizing Social Security to pushing for a free trade with Central America -- are not resonating with the American people. The Republicans can either move further to the right (it would be tough, but nonetheless possible), stay the course, or moderate. My guess is that they won't choose the latter, and a result, they will continue to falter in the polls throughout the summer.
This isn't election season, so the repercussions of their unpopularity are not clear. Nevertheless, for the first time in years, it is evident that the Democrats are on safer political ground than the dominant Republicans. And who would have predicted that just six months ago?
President Bush's approval ratings for handling the economy, Iraq and Social Security have fallen to the lowest levels of his White House tenure, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.More polling data from the survey is available here.
Congress doesn't fare much better. Solid majorities of those surveyed say congressional leaders in both parties, heading toward a Senate showdown today over the confirmation of judicial nominees, are "acting like spoiled children," not responsible adults.
By 47%-36%, those polled say the country would be better off if Democrats controlled Congress. That's the best showing for Democrats since Republicans won control in 1994.
Bush's overall job approval rating was 46%, down 4 percentage points since early May but higher than the 45% low he held in March. On specific issues, 40% approved of the job Bush is doing on handling Iraq and the economy; 33% approved of him on Social Security.
George W. Bush and the Republican Congress have a choice to make at this juncture. Clearly, their policies -- from Terri Schiavo and threatening judges to privatizing Social Security to pushing for a free trade with Central America -- are not resonating with the American people. The Republicans can either move further to the right (it would be tough, but nonetheless possible), stay the course, or moderate. My guess is that they won't choose the latter, and a result, they will continue to falter in the polls throughout the summer.
This isn't election season, so the repercussions of their unpopularity are not clear. Nevertheless, for the first time in years, it is evident that the Democrats are on safer political ground than the dominant Republicans. And who would have predicted that just six months ago?
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