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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bush Rewarding Incompetance

Can President Bush be forgiven for passing along false information about Iraqi WMD to the American people? Many would argue "yes." But should he be allowed to reward those who doctored the intelligence in the first place? This question and others have been raised by this exceptional piece of reporting by The Washington Post's Walter Pincus.

Two Army analysts whose work has been cited as part of a key intelligence failure on Iraq -- the claim that aluminum tubes sought by the Baghdad government were most likely meant for a nuclear weapons program rather than for rockets -- have received job performance awards in each of the past three years, officials said.

The civilian analysts, former military men considered experts on foreign and U.S. weaponry, work at the Army's National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC), one of three U.S. agencies singled out for particular criticism by President Bush's commission that investigated U.S. intelligence.

The Army analysts concluded that it was highly unlikely that the tubes were for use in Iraq's rocket arsenal, a finding that bolstered a CIA contention that they were destined for nuclear centrifuges, which was in turn cited by the Bush administration as proof that Saddam Hussein was reconstituting Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

The problem, according to the commission, which cited the two analysts' work, is that they did not seek or obtain information available from the Energy Department and elsewhere showing that the tubes were indeed the type used for years as rocket-motor cases by Iraq's military. The panel said the finding represented a "serious lapse in analytic tradecraft" because the center's personnel "could and should have conducted a more exhaustive examination of the question."

Pentagon spokesmen said the awards for the analysts were to recognize their overall contributions on the job over the course of each year. But some current and former officials, including those who called attention to the awards, said the episode shows how the administration has failed to hold people accountable for mistakes on prewar intelligence.
It is unacceptable not to hold parties responsible for faulty intelligence, but it's something much worse to reward the very people who helped usher America into a war based on untruths. If ever the President had an opportunity to make right by the American people, he could simply fire these individuals. Instead, he's promoted them. So much for personal responsibility...

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