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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Schwarzenegger's Numbers Fail to Rebound

Last month, when California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's approval ratings hit an all time low of 40% (with 50% disapproving), there was an assumption that he would quickly be able to turn things around. Apparently, this belief was unfounded, as the Public Policy Institute of California finds.

Governor Schwarzenegger’s approval ratings are considerably higher than the state legislature’s. However, they remain at the low point they reached in April. In the current survey, 40 percent of residents approve of the way he is handling his job, while 49 percent disapprove.


Since January, when his original budget plan was released, his overall approval ratings have dropped from 60 percent to 40 percent. They have dropped even lower than a year ago, when 64 percent approved and 26 percent disapproved of his performance as governor.
It just goes to show that a movie star can run as an outsider, but once he begins to govern just like any politician -- with a real contempt for the truth and a cynicism as black as any Beltway boy -- voters will get tired of the charade.

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