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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bush Down to 42% Approval

Ouch. CBS News has the scoop:

President Bush's job approval rating has dropped this month to just 42 percent, while 51 percent disapprove. His current approval rating is near the low reached in May 2004, after news and photos from the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal were made public.

Bush's job approval dropped significantly since last month among people aged 30 to 44, from 52 percent to 40 percent now. Approval among those in middle-income households (incomes between $30,000 and $50,000) also dropped, from 46 percent in May to 40 percent now. Bush also lost ground among white Catholics.


On Iraq, the President's 37 percent approval rating (not much different from the 38 percent he received last month) is also similar to the low ratings he received last summer. The percentage of Americans who say taking military action against Iraq was the right thing to do is now at 45 percent, matching the lowest level ever found in this poll. 51 percent think the U.S. should have stayed out of Iraq.
At this juncture, only 25% of Americans approve of the President's handling of Social Security, while 27% are confident in his handling of the issue. Of equal import is the fact that 48% of the public trusts Democrats on Social Security while only 31% trust Republicans. Which side of the aisle has the momentum?

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