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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Maybe Fudging Reports Wasn't the Best Idea
Ealier this week, The New York Times reported that a Bush administration official was editing reports on global warming so that they fit the President's belief that the phenomenon doesn't actually exist. Now, as Andrew C. Revkin reports for The Times, the official is on his way out.
Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on Environmental Quality, resigned yesterday, White House officials said.Is this a new era of responsibility?
Mr. Cooney’s resignation came two days after documents revealed that he had repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that cast doubt on the link between building greenhouse-gas emissions and rising temperatures.
Mr. Cooney has no scientific training. Dana Perino, a deputy White House press secretary, said Mr. Cooney “had long been considering his options following four years of service in the administration.” Ms. Perino said the decision was unrelated to revelations about the documents. Mr. Cooney did not return e-mails messages or phone messages left at his home.
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