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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Arnold's Mid-Census Redistricting Measure off the Ballot
As the AP's Steve Lawrence reports this evening, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's attempt to redraw legislative districts has hit a snag.
A judge kicked Arnold Schwarzenegger's redistricting measure off the special election ballot Thursday, a crushing blow for a proposition that was held up as a centerpiece of the governor's campaign to reform state government.In other news, Rep. John Tanner (D-Tenn.) and others celebrated the birthday of Elbridge Gerry -- the namesake of gerrymanding. Among those in attendance was former Rep./1980 independent Presidential candidate John Anderson, with whom we spoke on related issues in 2004. Check out the interview if you get a chance.
The judge ruled that supporters violated California's constitution by using two versions of the initiative in the process of qualifying the measure for the ballot.
"The differences are not simply typographical errors," Judge Gail Ohanesian said. "They're not merely about the format of the measure. They are not simply technical. Instead they go to the substantive terms of the measure."
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