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Friday, July 29, 2005

Oregon Pulls in Some Pork

Ellyn Ferguson writes about Oregon's boon for the Salem Statesman Journal.

Oregon will get at least $2.2 billion through the end of the decade for highway projects under a massive transportation bill Congress was expected to send to President Bush before the weekend.

The state also will get $297.2 million in transit money, $160 million for work on crumbling bridges on Interstate 5 and $40 million for work on other bridges in the state.

Oregon won money for the I-5 work by arguing that it's a major route of commerce for the West Coast and that anything that affects the transport of goods affects the region's economy.


"DeFazio has done a good job of leading the delegation. The senators did everything in concert with each other and the House delegation," said Jason Tell, ODOT's federal issues staffer. "We're a small delegation, and we're competing against much larger states."

"I haven't seen this much of an investment in transportation since Sen. Hatfield," Tell said, referring to Mark Hatfield, the retired former chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

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