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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pat Buchanan: GOP Should Move to Impeach Bush

Paleoconservatives might be on the outs in American politics these days, but that won't stop their leading voice Pat Buchanan from letting us know what he's thinking. This week Buchanan says it's time for Republicans to begin thinking about impeachment for failure to stop the tide of illegal immigration.

Why is a Republican Congress permitting this president to persist in the dereliction of his sworn duty?

George Bush is chief executive of the United States. It is his duty to enforce the laws. Can anyone fairly say he is enforcing the immigration laws? Those laws are clear. People who break in are to be sent back. Yet, more than 10 million have broken in with impunity. Another million attempt to break in every year. Half a million succeed. Border security is homeland security. How, then, can the Department of Homeland Security say America is secure?


[W]e are being invaded, and the president of the United States is not doing his duty to protect the states against that invasion. Some courageous Republican, to get the attention of this White House, should drop into the hopper a bill of impeachment, charging George W. Bush with a conscious refusal to uphold his oath and defend the states of the Union against "invasion."
Buchanan might not have the largest following these days, but he clearly maintains a constituency on the right. And if enough voters in the anti-immigration crowd stay home next November or vote for third party minute men, the GOP might have a difficult time maintaining its Congressional majority in the 110th Congress.

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