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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Trouble for Fletcher Might Not be Over

Despite the fact that Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher (R) granted amnesty to his associates under investigation for hiring improprieties, the Lexington Herald-Leader's trio of John Cheves, Ryan Alessi And Jack Brammer report that the state Attorney General is not yet ready to give up the fight.

Attorney General Greg Stumbo last night said the special grand jury can continue to investigate Gov. Ernie Fletcher's merit hiring, but it might choose to end its work in coming weeks, issue a detailed report and share its evidence with federal prosecutors.


Stumbo said his office has talked briefly about the case with FBI agents.

Once the grand jury is done, Stumbo said, its evidence could go to federal court for possible prosecution of Fletcher officials on charges of political discrimination. The Transportation Cabinet, where much of the allegedly illegal hiring took place, receives federal funds. And gubernatorial pardons are no shield against federal charges.

Similarly to his case against Fletcher, Stumbo noted, federal prosecutors in Chicago are currently investigating alleged political discrimination in that city's civil-service hiring.
In a separate article, Alessi And Brammer report on discussions of the big "I" word: impeachment.

State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, D-Louisville, said the House should consider all possible responses, ranging from a committee investigation to impeachment proceedings.

"Clearly we can't just sit here and do nothing," Marzian said. "He wasted taxpayer money by hiring political cronies in violation of the merit law, and now he has obstructed justice by trying to cover it up."
Make sure to check out the Bluegrass Report for continuing coverage of the scandal, which we'll cover as well from time to time.

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