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Monday, September 26, 2005
GOP Rep. Caught Up in Homeland Security Scam?
The Los Angeles Times' team of Greg Krikorian and Christine Hanley reports on an elaborate scam involving a man claiming to have close ties to the Bush administration bilking millions out of unsuspecting rubes -- and it isn't even Jack Abramoff!
In May 2003, a dapper self-described financial strategist from Century City embarked on what he promised investors would be a riveting television series based on the newly created U.S. Department of Homeland Security.One of Medawar's supporters was powerful California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
Saying his drama had the blessing of President Bush and others in Washington, D.C., Joseph M. Medawar quickly found plenty of backers for the show — one that he promised would be followed by a reality-based series titled "Fighting Terrorism Together."
Rohrabacher, who represents California's 46th Congressional District, acknowledged that he put Medawar in touch with at least five other members of Congress, including Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach), who was then head of the White House's Homeland Security Advisory Council. Cox is now head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.There is no reason to doubt Rohrabacher's claims that his help in this case was unrelated to Medawar's contributions, but this case reminds us of questions that clearly need to be asked. Given that this is not the first time someone has used close ties to the administration -- or perceived close ties to the administration -- to make millions of dollars, what is it about the culture of Washington today that would lead investors, businessmen and indeed Congressmen to believe such hucksters?
Rohrabacher said he and Cox dined with Medawar at a Washington restaurant to discuss the different agencies within the Homeland Security Department. Medawar and members of his production team made several return trips, and Rohrabacher helped get them access to representatives at several federal law enforcement agencies.
Rohrabacher received a $2,000 campaign donation from Medawar two years ago but said his assistance was not a political favor.
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