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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Schwarzenegger's Ballot Measures Failing

In the latest survey from the Public Policy Institute of California, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's slate of ballot initiatives is far from succeeding. Gary Delsohn has the story for The Sacramento Bee.

Schwarzenegger's top priority, the budget-regulating Proposition 76, is getting trounced by a margin of 62 percent to 30 percent, according to the poll.

Schwarzenegger's initiative making it harder for teachers to get tenure job protection, Proposition 74, is statistically even. The poll of likely voters, which has a possible error rate of three percentage points, shows the measure behind 46 to 48.

Proposition 77, which would change the way legislative and congressional districts are drawn, is also losing badly. Likely voters oppose it by a margin of 50 to 36.

And Proposition 75, which would require public employee labor unions to get their members' written consent before spending dues on political campaigns, is a dead heat at 46 to 46.


Another measure which the governor has endorsed, Proposition 73 to require a minor's parent or guardian to be notified before she can receive an abortion, is drawing opposition from 48 percent, with 42 percent in favor, the poll showed.
November 8, 2005 will be the day that will either make or break Schwarzenegger's governorship. If his ballot measures can prevail in the voting booths, Schwarzenegger might be able reclaim the mandate he has lost over the past two years; if, however, his initiatives go down, as the current polling indicates, Schwarzenegger's chances of reelection will move from bad to worse. The stakes could not be higher for either side, so keep an eye out for a barrage of advertisements over the next week and a half.

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